K2WebTech is
‘K2’ in K2WebTech means two first initials of Know-How and Knowledge,
indicating this company is ‘ready’ for web creation.
Anybody Should Feel Free To Be With Internet..”
‘K2’ in K2WebTech means two first initials of Know-How and Knowledge,
indicating this company is ‘ready’ for web creation.
Anybody Should Feel Free To Be With Internet..”
For domestic/overseas web developers
Satisfying social issues (security, W3C Web standard ) and securing usability
Guaranteeing independent from diverse environment (OS, DB) securing the latest design trend, and respond to on-site requirements quickly
Hoping that every Internet user feel easy with using Internet, K2WebTech Co. is always with you.
Our products are target-specific ones developed according to and for customer’s strategy. Therefore, they will be a key to your success.
In addition, we will open the world to ‘Easy Portal Solution’ by which everyone can use Internet with ease.
Rm#1510,(Daeryung Techno Town 8-cha, Gasan-dong)96, Gamasan-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, 08501, Rep. of KOREA